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  • work with students in one-on-one sessions to help them become more effective learners
  • may also be assigned to assist in a class
  • work up to 10 hours per week


Tutors are paid minimum wage


Tutors are required to:

  • be a registered LCV student
  • maintain a GPA of 3.0
  • have 50% of program their coursework completed but also at least 3 terms of their program remaining
  • have a study permit that allows them to work on campus and a Social Insurance Number if they are an international student
  • provide two references from instructors who would give an endorsement


If you are interested in becoming a tutor:

  1. find two instructors willing to endorse your application and provide references (instructors' names only, no reference letter is required); and
  2. fill out the application form and attach a resume.