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FND115 Colour Theory

Quantitative Colour Analysis Assignment Resources


The following books feature colour photographs of different types of designed objects:

If you are interested in graphics and illustration, check out these titles:

If you are interested in comics, check out these titles:

If you are interested in movies, check out these titles:

If you are interested in gaming, check out these titles:

If you are interested in fashion, check out these titles:

If you are interested in fashion and movies, check out these titles:


Online Resourcing

Here are some examples of articles that would lend themselves to quantitative colour analysis:

In the Library

The LaSalle College Vancouver Library uses Library of Congress classification call numbers to organize the print and non-fiction media collection*. SUBJECT books are generally found in the call number ranges as follows:

N   Visual Arts: Theory. Philosophy. Aesthetics of the visual arts; Art museums, galleries, etc.; History; General works; Art as a profession. Artist artists
NC   Drawing. Design. Illustration: History of drawing; Technique; Commercial art. Advertising art; Printed ephemera; Posters; Greeting cards, postcards, invitations, book jackets, etc.
T385   Technology: Mechanical drawing. Engineering graphics
TR   Photography: Cameras; Photographic processing; Color photography; Studio and laboratory; Lighting; Applied photography
Z250   Type and type founding

*Documentary films and TV series are organized alphabetically by title